Weight Loss Tracker

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Walking Weekend

So, I decided to take advantage of some beautiful weather we are having, and me and Hubby went to the Boardwalk to get our walk on! WOW...my foot now hurts, but we did get 6 miles in. I wasn't sure I was going to make it, but I did.  I was very happy to get it out of the way.  Hope everyone else is doing well on their journey. On another note, I wasn't the greatest on the alocoholic beverage front. I really need to get those Mike's Hard Lemonades out of my house before I drink them all! They are so tasty, but seriously are like 180 calories or some crazy #.  I had a sweet slip last night too, but have recovered and am planning a Weight Watcher Turkey Meatloaf and Green Beans for dinner. It is sooooo good, but is much healthier than regular. I checked the scale and it looks like the walk may have helped to offset some of those snacks/drinks, so time to focus as I know I am the only one that can help this band to work!

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